11 August 2008

More August Poems

Here are the next few poems I've sent away:

August 10:

Dear Mary--

A day of decisions
and indecision--drinking in
the overwhelming sky--
cool morning, perfect shining
green surrounds--
plucking away the unnecessary
that crowds the roots
of knowing--

(image: hand printed postcard--woman with flowers)

August 11:

Dear Laura--

Thursday night, the orange
and purple sky filled
my eyes with tears, my
heart with longing--
these dark moments of
hold us

(image: pig shaped food stand)

August 12:

Dear Emma--

This morning, clouds breaking,
unrest in Georgia, blueberry
muffin and coffee, scientists
"debating" global warming,
a forlorn-looking polar
bear, cats yawning, tomatoes
bursting ripeness, dreams
of cooking--

(image: woman with fogged glasses)

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