06 June 2007

an old project, revisited

This is one of about twenty poems I did using Susan Brownmiller's book Femininity as the ground for a new narrative. They are tenatively titled "Loose the Stays", but since the format is odd, I haven't really published them. I have been trying to figure out how to make them work in print. Currently, I have been scanning them and storing them as pdf files. This is a project I am still very proud of, and want to see produced as a group.


Chris said...

I like the scrawly, revisionist quality of this format. I feel like I've found a library book that's been re-inhabited by a newer model writer who's found the hidden porch foundations beneath the sheetrock.

Peachygina said...

Love the darkness, solitude and empathy. You have touched my soul.

Gina "Miller"

Cathleen Miller said...

Thank you both for your comments. It is really great to have feedback on these poems whose presentation I've been pondering for quite some time.